Mina J

Mina is an Expert Cybersecurity Professional who helps untrained students bypass college degrees in Information Technology and have access to high-paying roles in Tech with opportunities to work from home. But things haven’t always been that way; it took three years to land her first cybersecurity job because, in the beginning, all she had was restaurant management experience, federal security, an interest in Tech, and a strong willingness to win.

Mina, with extensive experience in cybersecurity roles for government agencies like DOD, DHS, and DOJ, along with private sector companies such as Verizon, now shares her expertise through JL Global Tech's cybersecurity training program. Her proven methods have saved millions by preventing cyber-attacks and have helped numerous students secure six-figure salaries in their first cybersecurity jobs.

Are you ready to learn the skills necessary to obtain a high paying mid to senior-level cybersecurity position without any coding or technical skills?